So, as announced over the weekend, today marks the start of my Tom Fun Orchestra contest (courtesy of the fine folks at The Musebox).
I've spent quite a bit of time detailing my longlist and my Top 20 over the past month or so here on Ear To The Sound. With that in mind, to have a chance at winning a pair of tickets for their Saturday, February 21, 2009 show at the King's Head as well as a copy of their album all you have to do is send me YOUR 2008 Best Of List (and I'll accept Fives, Tens, Fifteens, Twenties or whatever). You can leave it as a comment or email me at the address at the bottom of the page. If you do send me an email, make your subject line "Tom Fun Orchestra Contest." I'll pick a random winner from the entries (NO, I won't judge you or your list - I'm trying to make it objective, not subjective) and announce it here on Friday, February 20. I'll also be running another contest on my radio show Thank God It's Free Range, live on-air between 6:30-8pm CST that same day, with yet another chance to win a pair of tickets and a copy of the album - so if your list isn't drawn tune in and call in!
Here's another selection from You Will Land With A Thud to get you ready for their show - check out "Watchmaker" and send in your entries!